Thursday, August 8, 2013

Muckfest recap

On Saturday a group of coworkers and I participated in the muckfest Detroit obstacle race. It was awesome! I had done a muddy buddy three years ago, but came in second to last place so I had a bitter taste in my mouth for obstacle course races.
The event was held on Belle Isle in Detroit and had several different waves. Our wave started at 10, and we were instructed to get there at 8:30. A coworker and I carpooled and got there right at 8:30. We got through registration without a hitch since we had pre-registered. We got our bibs and chips and met up with the rest of our team. The entrance to the post party area had a muddy area for kids, the start and finish lines, a few obstacles, a beer tent, showers, and port-a-potties. There was a great dj who was pretty funny, I don't remember any of his jokes, but I will say in general I have a low tolerance for cheesiness and he was not cheesy. The 9:00 wave was for "competitive" athletes. We watched them take off and the group was small. We waited around for our start time but I never got bored. Between dropping off things at the car, taking pictures, and using the bathroom that hour went by fast.
At 10 we all got in line and were ready to start things off. They warned us that the first obstacle had mud that was deeper than it looked and I was glad for the warning. My friend and I decided we would stick together and separated from the group right away.  She's training for the same half as I am using my training plan. There was a big traffic jam at the first obstacle, which was three deep mud pits but after that we got into a groove. We ran the whole course so we avoided a lot of people. I don't remember all if the obstacles so I won't really get into the nitty gritty.
The course was beautiful. I had never been to Belle Isle but I will go back. The majority of the course was a grass path and it was a little hairy at times, and I had concern for my ankles. However, it was a nice change from running on concrete.  The obstacles were challenging but not impossible and appropriate for all fitness levels. I have an insane fear of heights so there were a few rough moments but there were supportive people all over so I got over being a diva. There was water and I think there was just the right amount of aide stations. There was one obstacle where you got into chest deep water and went over and under logs. I got mud in my mouth and we had just got done with a water stop. It would have been better if the two were reversed. The stops were nicely spread out and it was good to stop and catch my breath.  My favorite obstacle was probably "walking on water" and least favorite was anything with the rope ladder and heights.
We finished in 1:18:54, which was 150/960. Much better than my last showing. They had a shower area with hoses to get cleaned off and a changing tent. We got a drink ticket for 2 beers each and a food ticket which was a sandwich, chips, and cookie. The food and beer were perfect. Andy and Sydney came to cheer us on and bring me shoes.8 (I realized in the parking lot at 8:30 that I only had Andy's softball cleats as a second pair of shoes)  Andy bought a beer and it was reasonably priced.

I would definitely do this race again and/or recommend it. We had all fitness levels in our group and everyone had a blast. They are all talking about training for next year, and I said I would start an afterwork running club.

It's also important to note that muckfest is a fundraising event for multiple sclerosis. There were several people there that are living with ms and they were very inspirational. It's a horrible disease that I hope they find a cure for soon.

Recap of the last two weeks of training:







All were right on track!! Yeah!!

Bad: I donated blood on the 31st and my run on the 2nd was not pretty.  I texted my husband after 2 miles and told him I was changing my route and cutting it short.  I ran almost 5 miles and was almost home so I decided to do the 7 as originally planned.
Ugly: My knees after Muckfest... totally shredded.   
Good: Doing Yoga for the first time... I love it! (went back again tonight!) 
Awesome: We had a dunk tank at work (my husband and I work together) and I got my husband 4 out of 5 times.  To say "I hope you forgive me" I ran to the pastry shop on my 7 miler and bought him a black & white cookie.  He accepted my apology.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

trying something new

I am not a natural athlete and I have no rhythm.  Somehow, when I was a kid I ended up taking jazz for 6 or 7 years.  I am sure I was horrible.  I never learned the dancers and would just watch the other girls in the class, even in a recital.  I die at the memory.  I played softball for several years as well, and I was okay, but I wouldn’t practice so I never got better.  This was hard as I lived in a town that has an amazing community baseball and softball program. It seemed like most girls my age always played on a travelling softball team, and I was not.  Don’t worry though; I played basketball in junior high.   I was on the “B” team, and I don’t think I scored once.  I went to basketball camp, but outside of that, I never once practiced.  Our freshman team was an “everyone can play” kind of team, but my coach pulled me aside and told me I would never play.  I decided I was going to stay on the team, and I did play, but not very often and I only scored once- a three pointer! I was very diligent at sucking when I was growing up.  Somewhere along the way I missed the lesson of start practicing so you aren’t bad anymore.  I just started quitting when the going got tough.  I started working out about 300 times in college, but never for more than a day or two because it wasn’t easy. 
After committing to a healthier lifestyle, I have gone back to my old ways of trying things and doing them especially when I am not good at them.  And yes, I have learned that practice does make perfect.  Here is what I have tried and liked:
·         Lifting weights- This is my favorite way to cross train.  I love getting stronger every week and toning my muscles.  I feel like when I start to slack in weight training, I start to get more injury prone.
·         Running- I love running.  I will spend a whole post on why.
·         Yoga – This is what inspired this post.  I bought a groupon for yoga a month ago and have been dragging my feet with the standard excuses- I don’t know what I’m doing, everyone will laugh at me, what if I fart in class.  My girlfriend and I went and LOVED it.  It was a slow flow class. I left feeling stretched and sweaty- great combo.  I didn’t know what I was doing and it was ok.  I will definitely go back so that I learn what I am doing!  No one laughed at me and I didn’t fart.
·         Biking- I have always loved bike riding, but haven’t done it since I was pregnant.  I miss it and will be making some attempts to get back in the saddle. 
·         Racing of all kinds- competition, sign me up.  It’s a great way to check up on your stats.  I’m doing a “mud race” this weekend with people from work.  I am very excited. 
Here is what I have tried and didn’t like:
·         Elliptical- seriously, I HATE the elliptical.  I am ok with never being good at ellipticalling.
The moral of the story is to try, try, try, try again, months later after buying fancy running shoes and a garmin you will be good.  Also, I’m pretty sure it’s ok if you fart doing yoga.